1.2.11: The Week in Links

“Sustainable Love: The Happy Marriage is the ‘Me’ Marriage,” by Tara Parker-Pope

The clear expression of what I’ve been thinking through these few months is both comforting and interesting. Just think: what time period is your relationship living in? How might cities help maintain (or disrupt) sustainable relationships? As an astute commenter points out, where’s the discussion of children, and how might they fit into this?

“It was Raining in Delft,” by Peter Gizzi

“I’ve been walking / for 7 hours on yr name day.” & “Things that have been already said many times: /
leaf, zipper, sparrow, lintel, scarf, window shade.”

Intel Visual Life’s look at the Sartorialist:

To spend such days people watching in the city!

“For Tolstoy and Russia, Still No Happy Ending,” byEllen Barry and Sophia Kishkovsky

While not specifically on Anna Karenina, my current read, any information on the reception of Tolstoy, his aesthetic, and his political beliefs provides a nice backdrop to the novel.

from “A Secret Matter of Grave Importance,” by Dara Wier

“We’ll make an endless show of the outright / clanking, irregular beating of our acrobatic hearts.”

Vivian Maier, a prolific (and formerly undiscovered) street photographer:

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